Axl Le 乐毅
FMK's Q1 AXL LE from gallery chosun on Vimeo.
Axl Le는 중국의 디지털 아티스트이자, 영상 감독이다. Axl Le는 현대 기술 발달과 그 영향, 자연 환경, 삶과 죽음 등 다양한 이야기를 영상, 이미지, NFT 등으로 풀어낸다. 2013년 Shanghai University Fine Arts College를 졸업했으며, 현재 노르웨이 오슬로와 중국 상하이를 오가며 작업하고 있다.
주요 작품
영상 작품
Axl Le는 2018년과 2019년, 총 3부작인 〈Kiyomi Kobayashi〉시리즈로 이름을 알리기 시작했다. 일본을 여행 중, 게이샤의 모습을 보고 영감을 받은 이 영상은 모두 본편이 아닌, 예고편에 해당하는 3편의 인트로 영상으로 제작, 공개했다.
2020년에는 홍콩 여행에서 영감을 얻은 〈Vincent〉외에도, 자연을 주제로 한 〈The Journey〉, 죽음을 탐구한 〈Funeral〉을 발표했다. 2021년에는 노동에 관한 문제를 다룬 〈The Patient〉를 제작, 발표했다.
2023년 발표한 〈The First Metahuman〉은 인간과 기술의 역전을 다룬다. ‘Metahuman’은 실제 인간의 디지털 복사물, 또는 오로지 디지털 세계에서만 존재하는 인간을 말한다. ‘Metahuman’은 사람들이 가진 육체적 완성, 미에 대한 욕구를 디지털 공간으로 전이하고, 비실재적일 정도로 증폭한다. 작품은 디지털 공간이 형성한 기준이 실제 세계와 사람들에게 영향을 끼칠 수 있는가 묻는다.
2023년 최근에는 한국의 배우 이민호와 협업한 영상 〈New World, New Meta〉를 발표, 활동 영역을 넓혀가고 있다.
이외에도 Axl Le는 10초 내외의 짧은 반복 영상을 만드는데, 예를 들어 〈A Hundred Varieties of Life〉시리즈(2021-2022), 동명의 영상 작품과 연결되는 〈The Patient〉시리즈(2021) 등이 있다.
디지털 이미지 작품
Axl Le는 초기에 디지털 이미지 작품을 위주로 작업했다. Axl Le는 〈Soap and Bubble〉(2016), 〈Upside Down〉(2017), 〈LOVE NASA〉시리즈(2017) 등에서 작가가 상상한 풍경, 이미지 등을 구현했다.
영상이 작업의 중심이 된 이후에도 〈Love letter〉시리즈(2020), 〈Movement〉시리즈(2020) 등 꾸준히 디지털 이미지 작품을 만들고 있으며, 2022년부터는 AI를 이용한 생성 이미지 작품 또한 제작하고 있다.
AI 생성 이미지 작품은 〈Old photo of Scientists〉시리즈와 〈Post Cybernetic Era〉처럼 기술에 관한 이미지뿐만 아니라, 트럼프와 김정은이 주인공인 〈Foodie〉시리즈, 〈Great Dictator’s Wedding〉시리즈, 〈Women〉시리즈 등 정치와 역사에 대해 이야기하는 이미지 또한 제작하고 있다.
Axl Le는 한국과 중국을 비롯해 다른 여러 국가와 도시에서 열리는 전시에 참가했을 뿐만 아니라, 다양한 매체를 통해서도 작품을 발표하고 있다.
Axl Le는 《The Six Realms of Reincarnation 2023》(MAO Torino, Turin, Italy, 2023), 《FMK’s Q1》(갤러리조선, 서울, 2023), 《Nature 2023》(CICA Museum, 김포, 한국, 2023), 《Siggraph Asia》(EXCO, 대구, 한국, 2022), 《NFT and Digital Arts Festival》(Burj Park, Dubai, 2022), 《OneOffs NFT》(國際藝術博覽會, Taipei, Taiwan, 2021), 《NOWNESS China New Talent Awards Exhibition》(Tank Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 2021), 《IOSG 8th Old Friend Reunion | Scaling Summit & Metaverse Carnival》(Shenzhen, China, 2021), 《Beijing International CG Art Biennale》(Beijing FUN, Beijing, China, 2019), 《塔台呼唤Do you copy?》(MoCA Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 2019-2020), 《中华创世纪神话— 互联网艺术大展》(Liu Haisu Art Museum, Shanghai, China, 2018), 《Trans media exhibition 聚场》(MoCA Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 2017), 《Shanghai International Art Festival 白日梦想家》(Shanghai Theatre Academy, Shanghai, China, 2016) 등의 전시와 이벤트에 참가했다.
Key Works
Video Works
Axl Le has created several notable video works, including the "Kiyomi Kobayashi" series inspired by his travels to Japan in 2018 and 2019. In 2020, he released "Vincent," inspired by a trip to Hong Kong, "The Journey" focused on nature, and "Funeral," an exploration of death. In 2021, he produced and presented "The Patient," which deals with issues related to labor.
Video Works
Vincent 2020
axlVincent 2020 In the summer of 2019 Axl Le visited Hong Kong for the second time. One night, in the lively night market in West Kowloon, he saw a... -
Kiyomi Kobayashi 2018-2019Kiyomi Kobayashi: Memory 2019 Kiyomi Kobayashi: Memory is a concept short film and the second film of the Kiyomi Kobayashi series. It tells the story that in 1872, Kiyomi...
The Funeral 2020The Funeral 2020 For many people, death is not the end, but a new journey. Through this video, Axl Le wanted to reflect on this journey by making the...
The Patient 2021Many assumed that the increased use of modern technology in the workplace would allow mankind to sit back more, yet some people are working longer hours than ever. In this...
Recently, Axl Le aims to take a deeper approach to the subjects he explores. As a digital media artist primarily working with 3D, he delves into topics related to the digital media environment and its impact on society and individuals.
"The First Metahuman," released in 2023, explores the reversal of roles between humans and technology. "Metahuman" refers to a digital copy of a human in the digital realm or a being that exists solely in the digital world. The work amplifies people's desires for physical perfection and beauty in the digital space, questioning whether digital standards can influence the real world and people.
"Object Anatomy" series, in response to digital spectacle, examines how digital media affects human perception, communication, and social interaction. Axl Le suggests that traditional spectacle shapes desires, while digital spectacle is desire itself, as it not only receives individuals but actively transforms them. The work serves as a critique and response to the dissecting of digital objects in a society increasingly dominated by digital spectacle.
"Object Anatomy"
Digital Image Works
Axl Le initially focused on digital image works and has continued to create them even after video became the central focus of his work. Since 2022, he has also been creating AI-generated image works. These AI-generated images cover various topics, including technology-related images like the "Old Photo of Scientists" series and political and historical narratives in works such as the "Foodie" series featuring Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un, "Great Dictator's Wedding" series, and "Women" series. These AI-generated works are a reflection of Axl Le's prompts and selection from a vast pool of images, not only making them his creations but also tapping into the subconscious within extensive data.
Axl Le has participated in exhibitions and events in various countries and cities, including Korea, China, and others. Some of the notable exhibitions he has been a part of are "The Six Realms of Reincarnation 2023" (MAO Torino, Turin, Italy, 2023), "FMK's Q1" (Gallery Chosun, Seoul, 2023), "Nature 2023" (CICA Museum, Kimpo, Korea, 2023), and many more.
2024 1.27-3.3 Expressions of happiness: Chinese Experimental and Technological art invitational exhibition2024 1.27-3.3 Expressions of happiness: Chinese Experimental and Technological art invitational exhibition Work introduction: I wanted to do this work after my first trip to Norway in 2017. It is...
2019-2020 MOCA-Do you Copy?:Shanghai, China2019-2020 MOCA-Do you Copy?:Shanghai, China In 2020, I participated in an exhibition at the MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) located in People's Park, Shanghai. The theme of this exhibition was...
2017-2018MOCA: Animation Aesthetics Biennial Exhibition: Shanghai, China2017-2018MOCA: Animation Aesthetics Biennial Exhibition: Shanghai, China My early CG works, 'Moon Disaster' and 'LOOP,' made their debut at the Animation Aesthetics Biennial Exhibition hosted by MOCA Shanghai. This marked...
2021 NOWNESS China New Talent Awards Exhibition— Tank Shanghai, Shanghai, China2021 NOWNESS China New Talent Awards Exhibition—— Tank Shanghai, Shanghai, China In 2020 and 2021, I participated in the Nowness China Talent Program Short Film Competition for two consecutive years...
Siggraph Asia 2022Siggraph Asia 2022 I am honored to announce that my digital NFT artwork, 'Patient 05,' has been selected for display at the Siggraph 2022 Asian venue after a series of...
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